Prakashanand Saraswati on the Path to God and the Four Orders of Life – Part 2

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati continues his enlightening discourse, emphasizing the roles of Saints, scriptures, and Divine descensions in guiding souls toward God-realization. Following the foundation laid in Part 1, Part 2 delves into the omnipresent assistance of God through Saints, the Bhagwatam, Gita, and the leelas of Radha-Krishn, which help to show usthe path to divine-love-consciousness.

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati describes…

If you look at the background and origin of religions and read the life history of the various Saints in whose name the religions were started, you will find that they lived a totally renounced life. They were fully in the love of God, teaching the souls how to come to God. The great Saints showed the path to those who really desired to find God, and revealed God’s Bliss to truly deserving souls.

God remains in two forms. One is omnipresent Divine existence, in every atom of the universe. The second is in the form of all the great Saints who appear physically in the world. From time to time, He also appears in His own Divine personality. For example, Bhagwan Ram, Bhagwan Krishn, were both descensions of God where He appeared in His full Divine glory.

During the descension of Bhagwan Krishn, thousands of Saints came with Him from Golok and showed the greatness and sweetness of Divine-love, establishing true spirituality, the theory of God-realization, and the path of God-realization. Other Saints also revealed the greatness of Radha-Krishn and Divine-love-consciousness.

In this way, God is always helping all the souls. The Divine power is perpetually in the world in its omnipresent form, as well as in the form of the Saints, and in the form of the Scriptures. Because Saints are not always present everywhere in the world, there should be something which can easily assist the souls. The writings of the Saints are available on the Earth planet.

If you go to India, any religious bookstore can sell you the Gita, the Bhagwatam or the Upanishads. The Upanishads and Bhagwatam have been translated into book form as well. They are the revelations of the Divine, and they have power. Many Saints wrote the leelas of Krishn. Other Rasik Saints of Vrindaban wrote many songs in Braj bhasha, which told of the pastimes of Krishn and briefly explained some philosophy.

There are two kinds of Scriptures, philosophical and leelatmak, which means telling the loving plays of Radha and Krishn, Gopis, and Brajwasis. Both types of Scriptures will help you learn the philosophy, read the leelas and become a devotee. When the time comes, you will find a Saint who can reveal the path of divine-love-consciousness.

The Scriptures are a Divine power, but to experience that power to some extent you must have a pure mind. A pure mind means a self-submitted mind, not an intellectual mind. You must realize, “I want God. Oh God, I submit my mind and my intellect; I just want You. Please show me the Divine path.” This surrendered feeling will invoke His Grace, and you will receive the help you desire. If you read the scriptures with such a mind, God will guide you. Stay tuned for the next part of this enlightening series, where we delve deeper into Swami Ji’s wisdom and its practical applications in our lives.

Let Swami Prakashanand Saraswati’s books inspire your soul with teachings of selfless devotion and surrender.

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